Disposing of recycled motor oil in New Orleans, LA can be trickier than you think. This must be done according to local and federal regulations. It’s important to follow the right procedure to keep your facility safe and in compliance with applicable standards. So, what is the best method for collecting motor oil for recycling? Use the following tips. Step 1: Drain it Figure out how much oil you will be draining from a vehicle. Then, choose a pan that offers twice this volume. Always drain the oil when the engine is warm, but keep in mind that the liquid... View Article
If you don’t have a grease trap cleaning service in New Orleans, LA, you’re missing out on several key benefits. Consider the following reasons to hire a grease trap cleaning service. You might be surprised at the significant perks this seemingly small investment offers. Keep things running smoothly Grease can build up faster than most restaurant owners realize. Before you know it, you could have a plumbing emergency on your hands. If clogged drains lead to water backups, the ensuing situation can cripple your business. You won’t be able to maintain ongoing operations, and customers’ bad experiences can ruin your... View Article
Commercial kitchens are responsible for producing delicious food that’s safe to eat in a clean, sanitary environment. There are numerous regulations and laws governing commercial food preparation facilities, and this means that commercial kitchens are subject to inspections from public health officials. To keep a commercial kitchen up to code, it’s necessary to keep up with regular maintenance services like grease trap inspection in New Orleans, LA. Why are grease trap inspections necessary? Grease traps capture all of the oils, fats and greasy substances that go down the drain. In a commercial kitchen, these substances are extremely common, and they... View Article
Commercial kitchens and food preparation facilities rely on grease traps to capture cooking oils and fats and prevent them from obstructing the flow of water in their plumbing system. Over time, grease traps naturally become clogged and have to be cleaned, but many business owners neglect grease trap maintenance, and this can have some serious consequences. Here are several clogged grease trap dangers in New Orleans, LA to keep in mind: Drainage issues: One of the most significant issues caused by clogged grease traps is poor drainage. Excessive accumulation in your grease trap obstructs the flow of water and can... View Article
It seems that everyone is talking about the environment, pollution and “going green” these days. There are a lot of ways we can protect our environment by reducing the harmful impact of some of our everyday practices. Often, at the center of discussions about pollution, you will find motor oil as a main topic. Our economy in Louisiana relies heavily on oil and its byproducts, just like other local economies across the country. While we may not be able to all agree on the level of impact oil has on our world, we can all agree that it does have... View Article