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What Happens to Recycled Cooking Oil?

October 15, 2019

Most of us care about the environment and we do things to help protect it, but there are small things we do every day that are harmful but often go unnoticed. We’ve all opted for a plastic bag when we didn’t need to, or left the lights or the TV on at home. While things like this have a relatively small impact, there are other small things we do that are more harmful, like the ways we dispose of cooking oil. There are over 650,000 restaurants across the U.S., and they use millions of gallons of cooking oil each year.... View Article

Tips to Enjoy the Benefits of Proper Motor Oil Disposal in New Orleans, LA

October 3, 2019

Changing your own oil can help you save some money, and it can also be a rather fulfilling task for people with an interest in vehicles. Of course, once you’ve completed the oil change, it’s important you know what exactly to do with the oil you’re no longer going to be using. Here’s a quick overview of what you should know about proper motor oil disposal in New Orleans, LA: Put it in a proper container: You’ll need to have a container that can safely catch the used motor oil when you remove it. You’re going to want to catch... View Article

What If You Don’t Clean Your Grease Trap?

September 19, 2019

Grease traps are a critical part of any commercial kitchen. They protect the sewer system and the city main from getting clogged up with the large amount of grease that’s likely to be generated with your everyday operations. In fact, most city codes require commercial kitchens to have them installed. Of course, it’s not just enough to merely have a grease trap—you have to stay on top of its regular maintenance, as well. This means clearing out your grease trap on a regular basis. A failure to keep your grease trap clean will, over time, eventually become as bad as... View Article

How Often Should You Schedule Commercial Grease Trap Cleaning in New Orleans, LA?

August 30, 2019

A restaurant can only be as effective and efficient as its appliances and equipment, and without an adequate commercial grease trap, the kitchen could quickly fall apart. Because your grease trap can cause a whole host of trouble when clogged, local grease trap cleaning specialists in New Orleans, LA are here to help with guidelines for how often you should have it cleaned, and what can happen if you don’t. How often should you clean the grease trap? Typically, grease traps in most restaurants and commercial kitchens will need to be cleaned at least once every three months. This timeframe,... View Article

Eight Safe and Effective Methods of Cooking Oil Disposal in New Orleans, LA

August 16, 2019

For busy restaurants, keeping up with responsible cooking oil disposal may seem like a daunting task. That’s why the experts at your local cooking oil disposal service in New Orleans, LA are here to help, with the following eight cooking oil recycling tips that your business can easily put in place: Reuse it: Instead of throwing your cooking oil out right away, try filtering it so it is still safe to cook with, and reuse it. While it is probably best to reuse oil that was used to cook meat or fish only once or twice, oil that was used... View Article

Safeway Used Oil and Grease