Categories for Oil Recycle

How To Recycle Used Motor Oil

October 24, 2022

Every year, millions of gallons of used oil enter the environment. Although there are extensive rules and regulations concerning how to properly dispose of used oil, a lot of the oil still makes its way back into the environment improperly. To help reduce this risk to the environment, it is important for vehicle owners to understand ways they can recycle oil. This quick guide will provide you with more information on how to recycle used oil. The Benefits of Recycling Recycling used oil keeps that oil out of rivers, streams, and lakes. It is also a great way to keep... View Article

FAQs About Used Oil and Grease

February 17, 2022

Fats, oils and grease (FOGs) are used worldwide in both commercial and home kitchens. While they’re essential for cooking many recipes, disposing of FOGs can be a hassle. Plus, as we’ll see below, improper disposal can negatively impact our environment. Continue reading to learn the answers to some frequently asked questions about FOGs, including, “What can I do with leftover oil?” Why are FOGs harmful to the environment? First things first, it’s important to understand why we must be careful with FOGs after we’re done using them. FOGs can harm the environment in the following ways: Sanitary sewer overflow: Although... View Article

Is All Used Oil Considered Waste Oil?

December 10, 2020

You might be under the impression that all used oil is waste oil, but the two terms mean different things. In fact, “used oil” is a regulatory term. When you’re getting ready to get rid of your unwanted oils, it’s important to separate them and label your containers accordingly, before you send it off to a reliable waste oil disposal service in New Orleans, LA. Here’s how to tell the difference. What is used oil? Used oil is defined by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as “any oil that has been refined from crude oil or any synthetic oil that... View Article

Benefits of Used Motor Oil Recycling in New Orleans, LA

June 11, 2019

Do you participate in used oil recycling in New Orleans, LA? This process offers benefits to everyone involved. If you aren’t taking advantage of these benefits, consider starting today. What exactly are these benefits? Following are the top four advantages of motor oil recycling in New Orleans, LA. For more information on these benefits, contact your local oil recycling experts at Safeway Used Oil and Grease. It Protects Our Planet When consumers or mechanics improperly dispose of oil, it puts the environment, and everyone on the planet, at risk. Dumped oil or even accidental leaks can make their way into... View Article

How Does Motor Oil Recycling in New Orleans, LA Work?

May 28, 2019

Are you familiar with motor oil recycling in New Orleans, LA? As producers and consumers look for sustainable solutions to protect our planet, oil use has become a hot topic. Used oil recycling in New Orleans, LA is one way to reduce waste and improve environmental conditions. How does this work? Use the following FAQ to learn about this process and how you can participate in helping keep our land and water clean. What kind of oil can be recycled? Many types of oil can be re-refined or recycled for reuse. These include transmission fluids, brake fluids, metalworking fluids, motor... View Article

Safeway Used Oil and Grease