Most of us like to do what we can to live a lower-impact life. It’s important to minimize our own footprint on our world, and, in many instances, it’s not terribly difficult to do so. Recycling your used engine oil is one such instance. No matter if you’re a DIY-er gearhead or the owner of a large auto shop, recycling used engine oil is a great way to turn old materials into new while also minimizing the need for massive industrial production that creates more original oil. That said, many of our customers wonder exactly what happens to their old... View Article
Oils of all sorts can really pile up around the house, especially if you’re storing old and/or used quantities to later properly dispose of. A lot of folks like to change their own car or lawnmower’s motor oil, while others prefer to keep cooking oils out of both their drains and our landfills. Recycling these oils is absolutely a net positive for both your own home and for our society, but it’s important to know how to handle used oil at home. Read on for some more quick tips on how you can safely and effectively store, manage and dispose... View Article
How frequently should you clean your grease traps? When you run a commercial kitchen, grease can build up fast. Even if you’re diligent about scraping your plates and pouring off melted grease for disposal, plenty of it can still wash down your drains. While it should end up in your grease trap, the trap needs to be emptied and cleaned on a regular basis. Here’s how frequently you should get your grease traps professionally cleaned. The quarter-full rule The quarter-full rule states that you should get your grease trap cleaned every time it gets a quarter full. You might think... View Article
Why should you clean your grease traps during the winter? Just because the weather is a bit colder doesn’t mean that you don’t have to maintain your grease traps appropriately. Maintaining your grease traps in the winter is the key to maintaining good plumbing and kitchen safety. In the winter, grease solidifies a lot faster than it does in the warmer months. It’s much more likely that you’ll experience a clog or complete obstruction, sometimes before the grease and cooking oil can even make its way to the trap. That can cause expensive plumbing problems. Here’s an overview of why... View Article
What can you make with recycled cooking oil? Most of us don’t think much about what happens to our cooking oil after we dispose of it, but the oil recycling process comes with a number of different possibilities. Here’s what happens to cooking oil after it’s recycled and how to select a good service provider. Why recycle your used cooking oil? Cooking oil adds up quickly, as anyone who has worked in a commercial kitchen can tell you. Unfortunately, if you pour it down the drain, you run the risk of clogging the drains and damaging the wastewater treatment systems... View Article