Clogged drains, expensive repairs and even a citation could be the side effects of not cleaning your grease trap often enough. Yet many commercial restaurant establishments fail to keep up with their grease trap cleaning in New Orleans, LA until it’s too late. Most areas have laws that require commercial restaurant establishments to clean their grease traps at least every 90 days, but this is only the minimum requirement. Most restaurants need to get their grease traps cleaned more often than that, but they don’t realize it. How often you clean your grease traps depends on a lot of things,... View Article
When you’re working in a restaurant, and you have a pan full of grease, your first instinct might be to dump it down the drain when you’re done with it. After all, it’s a liquid, and it might as well go where all of the other liquids go, right? Wrong! Any grease, fats or oils need to be disposed of properly in a grease trap in New Orleans, LA, not dumped down the drain. Keep reading to learn about why your restaurant needs a grease trap, and to pick up a few tips for proper grease trap maintenance: Dried grease... View Article
When you think of a restaurant kitchen, you probably imagine an expansive gas range, heavy-duty oven and a walk-in cooler. While those are all necessary appliances for a well-operating kitchen, in some ways, a grease trap in New Orleans, LA may be the most crucial aspect of a restaurant’s kitchen. Grease traps are the unsung heroes that keep your restaurant in compliance with the law while ensuring that your restaurant doesn’t start to smell unpleasant. Though they’re hardy devices, grease traps still need to be cleaned out on a regular basis to ensure proper functionality. Smaller, under-sink grease traps need... View Article
Grease trap cleaning in New Orleans, LA is an essential maintenance task for a variety of businesses and organizations. In our more than 20 years of service, Safeway Used Oil and Grease has helped a wide range of businesses with our top-level grease trap maintenance. Are you in need of grease and oil services? Following is a quick overview of the types of businesses we help and the services we provide. If you don’t see what you need on this list, don’t hesitate to contact our team with any questions! Our Clients Restaurants: Commercial kitchens are a major source of... View Article
If you are the owner or operator of a restaurant or a facility that has a commercial kitchen, you probably know just how important of a role your grease trap plays. This means you also know that if you don’t stay on top of your grease trap cleaning in New Orleans, LA, you could very well suddenly find yourself in a situation in which you have to shut down during peak service hours because you’re dealing with a backup in your sinks and drains. Regular grease trap cleanings are important to help you prevent problems from developing in the drains... View Article