If you work in commercial kitchens—or wastewater treatment—you’re probably familiar with grease traps. Grease traps are designed to catch the fats, oils and grease that collect when cooking and washing dishes. Instead of sending these substances into the wastewater treatment system, where they might clog up operations or plumbing, the grease traps hang on to this cooking waste. Traps are pumped regularly as they fill up, and the fats, oils and grease are recycled or disposed of safely. Even if you deal with grease traps on a regular basis, chances are, you’ve never heard about the history of grease traps... View Article
Grease traps are designed to perform reliably for many years, but many grease traps develop problems as they get older. When grease trap problems come up, it can be a major inconvenience in commercial kitchens and other food preparation facilities. The sooner these problems are resolved, the sooner operations can get back to normal. Understanding more about some common grease trap problems can help prepare you to deal with these issues as effectively as possible. Keep reading to learn more about common grease trap problems and the importance of scheduled grease trap cleanings in New Orleans, LA. Watch out for... View Article
A grease trap is truly an unsung hero in a commercial kitchen. It stops fats, oils and grease (FOGs) from entering a restaurant’s pipes and gumming up the plumbing system. Since it’s important to a restaurant’s workings and cleanliness, city health inspectors make a point to examine it during their walkthroughs. A dirty grease trap that’s full of old FOGs and stuck-on particles doesn’t necessarily guarantee a failing grade during an inspection, but it certainly doesn’t help! Follow this advice from your qualified grease trap inspectors in New Orleans, LA to help ensure you pass your next inspection: Ensure it’s... View Article
Grease traps are designed to keep plumbing systems healthy in commercial kitchens, restaurants and food preparation facilities. Grease traps collect fats, oils and grease to keep them out of pipes and plumbing systems and reduce the risk of obstructions, clogs and deterioration. To keep your grease trap working properly, it’s important to invest time into maintenance. Keep reading to learn more about the importance of grease trap maintenance in New Orleans, LA and for some helpful maintenance tips. The importance of grease trap maintenance in New Orleans, LA There are several reasons why grease trap maintenance is so important. Grease... View Article
In commercial kitchens and food preparation facilities, safe grease disposal is critical. Not only does safe grease disposal ensure compliance with local laws and regulations, it also improves workplace safety and hygiene for employees and customers alike. If you’re looking for a grease disposal solution for your business, it’s important to consider the difference between grease traps and grease interceptors in New Orleans, LA. Both grease traps and grease interceptors are designed to trap suspended oils, grease and fatty particles from wastewater to prevent these contaminants from entering a plumbing system. Grease traps and grease interceptors help protect plumbing systems... View Article