In a restaurant, hundreds of meals may be prepared in a given day. With all this cooking, it’s no surprise that a significant amount of grease and oil ends up going down your drains. In order to prevent damage to plumbing, restaurants have grease traps that catch these oily substances and prevent them from ending up in the sewer system, where they could cause damage. With so many different things to keep track of when it comes to maintaining your restaurant, it’s easy to forget about getting regular grease trap cleaning in St. Bernard, LA. However, it’s essential that you... View Article
Motor oil, like all petroleum-based products, is extremely environmentally taxing to extract and refine. When not disposed of correctly, it’s also exceedingly damaging to the local ecology. Thankfully, motor oil is virtually indestructible, and is easily recycled. With proper care and knowledge, even the dirtiest oil can be cleaned and filtered and used again and again. It’s important to realize that when oil is used, it becomes dirty, but it doesn’t lose the properties that make it an excellent lubricant. Filtration and replenishment are the two most significant aspects of the processes surrounding motor oil recycling. Whether you’re a casual... View Article
Grease traps are found in restaurants, institutions and homes throughout the world. Grease traps collect residual fats, oils and solids that may wash down into your sink. While many grease traps are capable of collecting lots of debris and oil, they need regular cleaning and maintenance to continue operating as intended. Dirty grease traps can make it difficult to properly clean your kitchen gear, and may eventually pose a health risk at your restaurant or home. The best way to ensure that your grease trap doesn’t get to a point where it’s in serious need of cleaning is by investing... View Article