Are you familiar with motor oil recycling in New Orleans, LA? As producers and consumers look for sustainable solutions to protect our planet, oil use has become a hot topic. Used oil recycling in New Orleans, LA is one way to reduce waste and improve environmental conditions. How does this work? Use the following FAQ to learn about this process and how you can participate in helping keep our land and water clean. What kind of oil can be recycled? Many types of oil can be re-refined or recycled for reuse. These include transmission fluids, brake fluids, metalworking fluids, motor... View Article
Biodiesel is a type of liquid fuel that can be processed from various types of vegetable oils and fats recycled for fuel purposes. Because it is produced from oils and fats, it is both nontoxic and biodegradable, and when burned it produces significantly fewer emissions than the standard type of petroleum-based fuel you are likely accustomed with. All this adds up to a fuel that is much more efficient and environmentally friendly. Where do these oils come from? Think about how much cooking oil must get used in American restaurants every single year. The amount of oil stored in a... View Article
Biofuel is becoming an increasingly popular way to power vehicles and equipment to reduce carbon emissions and improve fuel efficiency. One of the more popular methods of late is to take used cooling oil and recycle it for fueling purposes. Approximately 10,000 tons of used cooking oil gets collected each year from food manufacturers, catering professionals and other types of businesses in France alone—just imagine the potential for this practice if it were to become more widespread in the United States. The used oil gets filtered and treated before it gets sent off to biofuel plants to be turned into... View Article
When you are done cooking a meal, what do you do with your cooking oil? This might come across as a relatively inconsequential question. But if you wash your old cooking oil down the drain, then you might unknowingly be contributing to a major problem. “Fatbergs” probably sounds like a disgusting term—and that is because, quite frankly, it describes a disgusting phenomenon! They also affect virtually everyone living in a community, and they are caused by the seemingly inconsequential action of pouring your cooking oil down the drain. Here is an overview of what fatbergs are, and how we can... View Article
When you have finished cooking a delicious meal for your loved ones, your work is far from over. You—or a helpful friend or family member—still need to clear the plates, wash and dry the dishes and make sure all the leftover ingredients are put back in their proper place. But there is one other step that you should never overlook: recycling your cooking oil! If you are like millions of other people, you unfortunately do not think much about what to do with your cooking oil after you have used it. But it is very important that you do not... View Article